These are the old issues of the e-mail 'newsletter' drum lessons. They have all been offered in the 'Tempo Dispatch' (newsletter) at one time or another. Some of these lessons later became html (web page) lessons too.
It to appears as though there are 80 lessons here, but some of the lessons were two-part lessons which keeps the actual lesson total at 78 lessons (over an 80 month period). This Newsletter 'would' still be in operation but as 2003 dawned, the spammers and the Spam Filters ruined it. The last Newsletter I sent-out to over 13,000 list-members and subscribers, only a little over 1,000 Newsletters made it to their intended destinations. I blew a Rasberry at the whole thing. 12,000 newsletters went directly to (spam-filter) trash folders. It meant that most of my efforts were a total waste of time.
Musical Time - Finite to Infinity:
Finite to Infinity:
Learn to easily jam and play music comfortably within any odd or even time signature. This material isn't currently taught in music-theory classes, yet it is simple enough for grade-school students. Discover more than 18 quintillion unique and different (modern music) song-beat structures.Discover the (lost) 500 year-old enigmatic secrets hidden within the current time-signature system. Seven short mesmerizing and easy-to-follow lessons will lead you quickly and easily towards (musical-time) guru status. You will learn to visualize (read, write or feel) the existence This should lead directly to the e-book.
This very informative little booklet will amaze you with hundreds of valuable tips and insider secrets! HOW TO: Purchase old/used drumsets for pennies and resell them for decent profits.