
Bill Powelson's School of Drums

About: studydrums.com

Free Lesson Menus

MEMBERS: I'm updating. Everything will eventually be in this format you are seeing on this web page. I'm updating from html 3.0 to 5.0 and CSS3. It's a slow and agonizing nightmare, but it'll be better in the long run.

The e-book icons (images) on the right (and bottom) in the new format are hot. They should lead directly to the e-products (I hope). That's surely to mean . . . after I mess it up a few times before getting it right.

A lot of the deeper Lesson pages are still in the old format. When you are at those pages, the e-book images will be on the left. If they are working properly, they should lead directly to the e-products as well. Keep in mind, there are 175 pages at the public site that need to be updated. And, there's another 175 or so, here at the password site that also need to reflect the fact that I'm not supposed to be begging for donations here! The two sites are similar but they aren't exact duplicates. the begging and groveling is supposed to stop, once you are a donating member!

So . . . if you see a page somewhere and I'm groveling for money, please ignore it, haha. It's just a little glich that I may not discover until 2025. Ignore all request for dontaions if you are here at the password site.

Look for things to get much better in here as time passes. All the downloads will need to be updated eventually as well, (175 pages each)! It's a major overhaul! . . . I need a brew!

Thanks for understanding!

Your old teacher/drummer: Bill Powelson

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