Defining the 'Dream gig': Before we begin, maybe we should define the so called 'Dream gig'. I am sure it means different things to different people.
In short, we are talking about good money, quality music and terrific people. Your personal 'Dream gig' may be a
specific job on the local level, a traveling group, a session clique, or maybe you dream to land a gig somewhere
in the big=leagues. The bigger the dream, the more difficult the climb (usually). Whatever your personal dream
may be, the rules are essentially the same. Follow along and I will try to explain. Three simple Rules for Acquiring the Best Gigs. We cannot get around those rules. This is what success in the music business is all about. The sad part is that
lady-luck may play a major part in all this, much of the time. However; We CAN focus on being the right person,
and once equipped with that REPUTATION, we can only hope to manipulate the other two rules.
RULE #1: What are these attributes? What do the best bands look for, in a drummer? Focus on your bass player, follow his lead, memorize and complement his/her licks. If the bass player has been with the
band for some time already, he/she will know what they want from both the drummer and the bass. This means,
the bass player can become the new drummer's best ally! By following the established rhythms of
the bass, we drummers will also discover that we can 'magically' anticipate the rhythms that the rest of the band
may be expecting. Do NOT play what you are thinking! Play according to what you are hearing from the
bass player and other instruments. Learn to be flexible on this issue.
Sometimes when we are just starting with a new group, we may dislike their musical arrangements, their routines, and
their way of doing things. We shouldn't fight those established ideas, at first. We should conform to the group-effort,
completely, if possible. After we have won the total respect of the group, introducing our own ideas and our suggested changes,
will eventually become a much easier task, as time passes. RULE #2: ( THE RIGHT PLACE) RULE #3 (THE RIGHT TIME) ANOTHER TRICK: This may be the #1 SECRET TO SUCCESS! Never hawk another drummers gig or play games of politics. Trying to shoot another drummer out of his or her position is like
courting disaster. Although political games of this type can occasionally work, the result is very often less than satisfactory.
Tactics such as those will usually take a toll in lost friendships, and result in a spoiled or ruined reputation. You will brand
yourself as a cut-throat by operating that way. The only people who want to work with a cut-throat drummer, are the other
cut-throat musicians. As a result you could wind up in a self-made nightmare, working with . . . only the sleazebags, and no one else. So the point here is this: your best source of (dream-gig) leads can often be the other drummers, themselves.
Think about it! That rival drummer, if he likes you, is the very guy who can get you in through the back door. He will often be the
first to know of upcoming changes, and his own decision to leave. He will be the very one to sell your name to the rest of the
group as a possible replacement. In this way you may gain a friend for life, and the dream gig too. That is what I would call a
win-win situation. So, the harsh truth is that success is a waiting game. All we can do is build our expertise, a good reputation, good friendships
and wait our own turn. Focus on the controllable factors first and the rest will eventually
take care of itself. Your chance will come, when you are ready, and the time is right. If you have already
established the reputation as being the right person, success will eventually follow. Musical Time - Finite to Infinity: Finite to Infinity: Discover the (lost) 500 year-old enigmatic secrets hidden within
the current time-signature system. Seven short mesmerizing and easy-to-follow lessons will lead you quickly and easily towards
(musical-time) guru status. You will learn to visualize (read, write or feel) the existence This should lead
directly to the e-book. This very informative little booklet will amaze you
with hundreds of valuable tips and insider secrets! HOW TO: Purchase old/used drumsets for pennies and resell them for decent
Beating the Monster Players to the Coveted 'Dream Gigs'
If you are a professional drummer and your current job situation is less than satisfactory,
this lesson is for you. Maybe you are in a 'dead-end band', going nowhere. Maybe the money
you are making is too low or the quality of the music just does not meet your standards. Any
number of reasons can make you want to look elsewhere for employment. What are the
secrets to landing that 'Dream gig'?
First, You Must Qualify: (Be the right person). The whole thing boils down to reputation. Drummers and all musicians
who strive to maintain a reputation of certain attributes seem to always excel. So, it goes without saying, if you
can maintain those attributes, and make them known to the right people, your climb to success will be much easier.
It's a pre-requisite for drummers. The point is simple. Develop a reputation as a human metronome! If perfect time is synonymous
with your name . . . the great gigs will follow.
The total success of any group or band is dependent on each individual. Like a chain; one weak link can make
the whole thing useless. Most successful groups are very aware of this fact, and they hire accordingly.
Few musicians are good enough to combine a ‘no-show' reputation with success.
We all have our own musical attitudes and ideas, but when we are the new kid on the block, or the newest member
of a band, doing things 'THEIR WAY', is usually best.
Be sure you know your note values, rolls, and basic dance beat structures! Exchange ideas with other band members
using terms they can understand. If they ask you to play something like 8th triplets in a certain arrangement,
you should be able to do it without question.
This may be the most important attribute of all. Many people compare a band to a four or
five-way marriage. No band wants to hire an obstinate jerk. If you have cultivated a reputation
as someone hard to get along with, the great job offers may just never become real. It is very difficult
to get a group of genius musicians to even share the same room for more than five minutes, much less
share the spotlight nightly. Learn to leave your ego at home if it may cost good jobs. Start doing that now
and discover that the good gigs may be just around the corner. Some of the best bands are made up of 'less
than genius' players, who get along, and work really well, together. I will opt for that kind of group every time,
because I know that success will usually be the end result.
With most of the top flight professional bands, the replacement of a drummer is a serious and critical move.
They will want to make the right decision only once, and they will want to be sure of your commitment
to them. Most will want to rest assured that you will STAY in the group, once they have accepted you.
Again, if your previous reputation doesn't support that possibility, then they will probably overlook you
as a potential band-member. Make it vocal that your intentions are to stay with the group as long as the
group is together. This will greatly solidify your chances at getting the gig.
The right place could be anywhere in the World, but if you keep your senses alerted, spotting the action is often easy,
before it happens, right there in your own back yard. Investigate your own locality for the band with the
largest following, and best local reputation. Get to know the individual band-members, if possible. Try to be
on a first-name basis with as many 'dream gig' band-members as you can. Jam with them at every
opportunity. If they decide they like you, your reputation, and your playing abilities; you'll
become their first choice, if ever they need to change drummers. One day the regular drummer may
decide to leave and you will receive a phone call. It can happen just like that! The big secret to it may be . . .
The right time could be anytime, but just like Rule #2, we can do many things to increase our odds of winning. Try to remain on a
first name basis with members of several bands that fall under the ‘dream gig' classification. This increases the odds that eventually,
one of those jobs will open, and you will already be at the top of their 'favorite drummers' list.
Forming a small brotherhood of drummers wherever you may be living, works! Get to know the key drummers, the ones with the
good jobs . . . and become best friends with all of them.
Copyright Bill Powelson @ 1994-2008-2014 all rights reserved.
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