SPECIAL NOTICE: I wrote all this in the 1990s. In the meantime My e-mail has changed to
billp@studydrums.com. The old DRUMS01@ATT address stopped working long ago. I've tried to eliminate all references to the old address,
but there were hundreds. I've probably missed a few. Ignore them if you see them. This link will return you to the Password site.
HOW TO STUDY THIS ACCELERATED STUDY GUIDE: You are about to discover more pop-music beats-and-rhythms, in one brief
sitting, than you'll ever learn in your life. This is a guarantee!
Some students may devour this little project in under and hour! Those
students are the same students who will invariably appreciate
this mini-course the most.
NOTE: Play around with the drum machine program (offline) that's included with the
download version of this course. Look for drummer.exe in the downloaded files.
For now, simply study,
read and/or write the suggested examples, then tap them out on imaginary drums,
using the arms of your chair or the computer desk. The point of this mini-course
is knowledge. We're going to quickly load your MIND with every possible beat variation
in the known rhythmic Universe. This study may also help you find a 'Rhythmic
Black Hole' or two, which may have previously gone undiscovered.
NOTE: This course includes a free (shareware) drum machine program. Play around with it! Look for drummer.exe in the files.
X = ANY NUMBER You are about to discover some very shocking things concerning pop-music rhythm! These secrets are currently hidden deep within our current musical time-signature system. It should EASILY unfold within your mind with one, single, brilliant flash of insight. If this new knowledge doesn't leave you totally spellbound and awstruck, it will be a solid indication that you do not properly understand it. As you study, try to keep the above statements in mind, and if at some point you feel as though the 'big picture' just isn't occurring in one brilliant flash as I've promised. Go over the entire (1 to 5 hour) course again, and again until that happens! YOU'LL KNOW EXACTLY, WHEN THE INSIGHT HAS HAPPENED!. There won't be any doubt about it! You'll visualize billions of new and exciting rhythms as if a (Daisy-cutter) bomb has detonated and exploded within your mind! This is a GUARANTEED promise from me. If we can't make that happen, I don't want or deserve to be paid. I'll blame myself (and I'll try to help, first), But if that doesn't work, I'll quickly refund the purchase price. STUDY HINT: (OR CLUE.) As you study the following lessons, try to focus on the way all the complex (1/4 to 64/4) time signature patterns connect, reflect, mirror, and mimic the various note-value modifications of 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4. That's the big secret you'll find within this entire project. I think you'll see it very easily as I walk you through it. I'm assuming that you are already an intermediate or advanced musician or drummer, but THAT isn't totally necessary either! The very important, necessary BASIC LESSONS are also included within this package as backup, for those who need them. They're very easy for almost ANYONE to comprehend, EVEN BEGINNERS! This material SHOULD and COULD be taught in the elementary levels of school to music-students age-12 and over, but the sad truth is . . . It is rarely taught, even in college music-theory classes. It's time for this information to exit the dark-ages and enter the mainstream. That may never happen, until YOU and others begin to see the real value of it. So, open your mind and prepare for a few exciting revolutions in rhythm! The upcoming 'main menu' will coax you to study all the basic lessons too, but it may be ok to skip some of them, if you already fully understand and have the important basic knowledge committed to memory as working-knowledge. WHY IS THIS TIME-SIGNATURE AND PERMUTATION STUDY SO IMPORTANT? If you are still wondering WHY all this is important to today's musician, I'll word it this way, for now . . .
A WORD OF CAUTION: We can't always play everything we know, in every song we play! In most cases onstage, 'simplicity' is the best formula of all. Simplicity contains it's own very special and classic beauty! However, if we're called on to play extremely complex patterns, we certainly need to BE PREPARED to do it well. You are about to gain that advantage here. I LOVE FEEDBACK! As you study this short course, you may become confused, possibly due to some unknown error in my thought processes. If that happens, I definitely want to hear about it. We're talking about a HUGE rhythmic Universe here. I'm not certain I've viewed EVERY corner of it either! It's entirely possible this course may help you see things I haven't seen as yet. I want to know about that! Please write and explain all your discoveries to me. Point out any flaws too. This is a work in progress. I'll fix and change anything that does not add up. Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated and I'll respect you totally for your contributions and help. E-mail me anytime, with any questions, discussions or any arguments you may have. Just keep it friendly . . . that's all I ask. I'm here to help you every way I can! This is what I do for my living and I absolutely love doing it. (Please don't take that away from me.) I have little time for pompous arrogance. E-mail flames will get you totally ignored. By the way, my e-mail address below is coded 'to fool the spam-robots and malicious-viruses' that are continually spreading. Remove the 'Xs' and it should work fine. I always try to respond to all e-mail on the same day it arrives. Your e-mail messages are my FAVORITE part of all this. I live for e-mail! :>) SO, PLEASE DO E-MAIL ME! Maybe together, we can take all this a few steps further, making it much easier, and much better for everyone. That's the soul-reason, the complete motivation, and the total objective of this entire project. Enjoy the course and let's become great friends! Some of my BEST friends are those who have enlightened me the most, and I thank them all for their continued support and help with this humble offering. (Bill Powelson)
Click here to begin . . .
Copyright Bill Powelson 1985-2xxx all rights reserved. Failure to acknowledge this copyright will result in serious, costly, legal action! |